Sunday, April 11, 2010

AWP Highlights

A good few days out in Denver. Saw a lot of interesting panels. Bought a bunch of books. Had a few drinks. Heard many, many great writers read. A few highlights:

Buying Hobart 11 straight from Aaron Burch (and getting a free shot of whiskey with my purchase).

Meeting the great PANK people in person.

Attending DOGZPANK reading where 15 amazing writers shared their words.

Hanging with my Antochian friends.

Seeing Dan Chaon on a panel.

Seeing Brian Evenson on a panel.

Shaking Richard Bausch's hand.

Buying Kyle Minor's In the Devil's Territory from Matt Bell at the Dzanc table

And that's just a bit of it.

Will I go again? Maybe. I got my pass for free through my MFA program this year and Denver is easy to get to from San Antonio. I'm glad I got to go -- and got to meet people in person that I wouldn't have gotten to meet otherwise. Of course, it's good to return home. And now it's back to the writing.


  1. Glad you had a good time. The book fair is overwhelming if you've never been to AWP before.

  2. You're not kidding. That thing was massive. And there was so much I wanted to buy.

  3. PANK people enjoyed meeting you too!

    The bookfair was really overwhelming last year in Chicago (my first time). So much going on, so many magazines.... crazy.

  4. Hey Alan,

    Antioch? Me too (Tangerine). Good to meet you.


  5. Hey Daniel. I guess we didn't get a chance to meet in December. Glad to meet you here. I'm a Cobalt. So it's all downhill for me. Hope you're liking the program so far. It's been incredibly good for me.
