Saturday, December 19, 2009


Spent the last week and a few out in L.A. for my fourth MFA residency at the Antioch L.A. low-res program. I gotta say, there was a time in my life that I thought MFAs were pointless. But that's hardly been the case. Flat out, this program has made me a far better writer. I don't even know how to measure it.

Thought I'd put that out there.


  1. I agree about the value of the MFA. An MFA program exposes you to a lot you may not otherwise find on your own.

    Thanks for linking to my blog. I link to yours now. :)

  2. Hey Jason. Thanks for the link! I know there are plenty of writers who improve through their own hard work. I seem to be one of those who needed the extra push of an MFA.
