And here's where I get to my point. Yes, words weaken our work
when those words are unnecessary. But what was unnecessary to, say, Raymond
Carver may be vital to Jennifer Egan. Which is to say: all words can serve a
purpose. Adverbs are not, I believe, inherently bad. They are easily abused,
that’s for sure. They are the gateway drug to purple prose. To prose whose
ornamentations blunt its power. But there are times when what might at first
glance appear to be ornamentation—those flourishes and the those uses of the
linguistically baroque—are, on further review, a powerful part of the prose. Indeed,
they can often be an important aspect of what we call voice.
When voice was first mentioned to me, I wasn’t sure what
the hell it was. I sensed it had something to do with syntactical choices, as
if voice was a formula for producing sentences. I was wrong, obviously. But I
wasn’t wrong wrong. Because there is an element of voice that enters the
syntactical. And that often has something to do with the preponderance of
flourishes. Of adverbs. Of asides. Of conversationality (but, of course, you
see…). These ‘unnecessary’ words can give a story a certain pop, a unique
rhythm that enhances rather than detracts from the artistic/emotional/enjoyment
They also give us a sense of the writer’s consciousness.
Meaning, it is through the way a writer uses language that we enter their interior
world. We see things the way they see things. Even when we’re being led through
a story by a character or characters, we are still within the writer’s consciousness.
The greatest writers expand our view of the world by forcing us to tilt our
heads and see things from a different vantage. And that vantage is, by the
nature of the craft, their vantage.
I believe the admonition to delete so-called unnecessary
words can flatten prose to the point that we no longer have access to a writer’s
consciousness. That helps create what is often (erroneously) called MFA-style
writing. Those sentences that haven’t been carefully constructed so much as
they have been industriously pruned. Those voices that don’t invite us into a consciousness
but rather try to impress (or at least avoid offense) with their technical
precision. That is the kind of writing I often see and almost never enjoy.
I am making a broad claim, I realize. Just as I realize
that a wonton use of language can be equally alienating. There is room for a
thousand opinions when it comes to craft. But the more I write and (more
importantly) the more I read, the more I fall in love with those so-called
extra words. Those embellishments. Those much-maligned adverbs.
Our language is a vast and roiling pool. I like the idea
of diving deep and barely making it up for air.